Oh hey, long time no see! Been a while, huh? Honestly, it's been so long I'd forgotten my login password... how embarrassing is that? Thankfully, I had it written down.
Anyway, I haven't been drawing much lately. And even that, I didn't even scan, much less post. But everytime someone asked me about my artwork, I'd be showing them this blog, and frankly I was getting sick of that subpar Green Lantern picture front and center. So I thought I'd put up some "new" stuff.
As you can see, this pic is dated November 2008, so it's not really new, is it? But I'll be putting up some stuff I'd drawn and haven't scanned, for a start, then maybe after that get started drawing new stuff again. Here's hoping.
Anyway, enough excuses. This one, I was just doodling, and came up with a decent pose, then couldn't figure out what character to draw on that pose. Not sure why I chose The Scarlet Scorpion - I don't have any affinity for the character. In fact, I've never even read a story with him; I'd just seen the character in an ad or something. But come to think of it, that's probably exactly why I chose him.