Earlier this year, I decided to apply for the Comics School of Malmö. This is one of the pages I sent as my "audition" samples. It had been quite a while since I had done any story pages, so for whatever reason, I had this enormous artist's block, and it took a really long time to get started.
About a week before the application deadline, I attended SPX09 - the Small Press eXpo - and got the chance to meet some of the Comics School's students, past and present. The charming and talented Frida Ulvegren made me realize just how much fun attending this school could be, and the very gifted Niklas Asker (debuting his graphic novel Second Thoughts) gave me a glimpse into what kind of future the school could lead to. Spurred on by this, I ended up drawing most of my samples in the week between SPX and the deadline.
More of Mystery Man pls!
Page two is up now, for your reading pleasure. ;-)
Really nice to see more of your stuff, as I´ve told you. I agree with Catalina btw. I wanna see the whole thing, no more cliffhangers :)
yaowza, tur att man ego-googlar sig en gång om året, annars hade jag aldrig hittat denna trevliga referns till mig som charming and talented.
Man tackar man tackar!
Skicka 10 sidor med fina serier nästa gång, så ses vi i Malmö sen.
Nämen titta vem som hälsar på! Celebert besök minsann! Välkommen!
Hoppas vi ses på SPX i år igen!
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